History teacher training
Course code 2KH6
Course length
11 months
Course fee
Why teaching history is important...
History tells us who we are, where we came from and how we are connected. Without studying history, we cannot understand where we are now or where we are going in the future. History ignites a passion, curiosity and determination in students. A knowledge of history can help ensure that past mistakes are not repeated in the future. History also provides students with a wide range of transferable skills with they will utilise in other subjects and in their future careers. It teaches students to question everything, rather than accepting information at face value.
The qualities that make an outstanding history teacher...
A great history teacher must first and foremost be passionate about history with excellent subject knowledge and historical skills. A successful history teacher is also creative with the ability to engage students and explain difficult concepts. History teachers must also be lifelong learners; keeping abreast of the latest historical scholarship. They teach students that history is an ever-changing, challenging and exciting discipline.
Subject knowledge needed to teach history
Secondary history teachers need to possess a good general knowledge of British history from 1066 to the present day, as this features heavily in the curriculum. They should also have good knowledge of modern European history, and key international events such as the World Wars. A good starting point for improving your subject knowledge is the BBC Bitesize History website. Looking at the National Curriculum for KS3 History will also be beneficial, as it will give you an overview of which topics are covered.
Overview of our history course
Sept: Core training and mini placements
Oct: Subject-specific training, core training and first teaching placement preparation
Nov-Dec: First teaching placement (6 weeks) and Newcastle University Teaching Conference (1 week)
Jan: Core training, subject-specific training and mini placements
Feb: Subject-specific training and second teaching placement preparation
Feb-May: Second teaching placement (11 weeks)
Jun: Personalised mini placement and QTS (qualified teacher status) interview
We provide ongoing, bespoke, subject specific SCITT Tutor support throughout your entire programme. Our SEDD (Subject Enhancement and Delivery Days) programme enable trainees to work with various heads of department and outstanding teachers in their subject areas. You will also work with expert history teachers during your two teaching placements.