Geography teacher training
Course code 2KH8
Course length
11 months
Course fee
Why teaching geography is important
Geography may be the most relevant subject to study for every day life, it literally is everywhere! You can not turn on the news without seeing human and physical geography in action. Children who study geography have an awareness of the world and how humans interact with and affect global systems. They understand the politics that drive global decisions and change, they appreciate the nature of difference, cultures, societies, conflicts.
They develop an awareness of inequality and more importantly how we can reduce this throughout a global society. They develop an awareness of the fragility of the earth and all life on it and more importantly what we need to do and how in order to preserve this. Studying geography helps students to be more socially and environmentally sensitive, better informed, and more responsible as citizens and students.
From the classroom, students go on a voyage of discovery through continents, countries and cities gaining a greater awareness of the captivating world around us. If we don’t teach our younger generations, the importance of the earth and its natural systems working in harmony with humans in a sustainable way then what chance do future generations have?
The qualities that make an outstanding geography teacher
A great geography teacher must have an understanding and passion for geography. It is vital that you have an understanding of current affairs and are aware of the implications of this on a global, local and national scale. A love of the outdoors and appreciation of the importance of fieldwork and outdoor experiences is also vital. You must believe in what you teach and the imperative nature of this to allow you to share this effectively.
Subject knowledge needed to teach geography
To teach geography, you'll need a good understanding of a wide range of both physical and human geography as well as a good grasp of maths.
A good starting point for improving your subject knowledge, or working on any areas of weakness is the BBC Bitesize website. Looking at the National Curriculum for this subject will also be beneficial, as it will give you an overview of which topics are covered.
Overview of our geography course
Sept: Core training and mini placements
Oct: Subject-specific training, core training and first teaching placement preparation
Nov-Dec: First teaching placement (6 weeks) and Newcastle University Teaching Conference (1 week)
Jan: Core training, subject-specific training and mini placements
Feb: Subject-specific training and second teaching placement preparation
Feb-May: Second teaching placement (11 weeks)
Jun: Personalised mini placement and QTS (qualified teacher status) interview
We provide ongoing, bespoke, subject specific SCITT Tutor support throughout your entire programme. Our SEDD (Subject Enhancement and Delivery Days) programme enable trainees to work with various heads of department and outstanding teachers in their subject areas. You will also work with expert geography teachers during your two teaching placements.